Radek is a certified Toptal 区块链 engineer particularly interested in Ethereum and smart contracts. In the fiat world, he is experienced in big data and machine learning projects. He is a triple winner in two different international IBM Apache Spark competitions, PlayStation 4后端的共同创造者, 一个成功的黑客马拉松选手, 并在澳大利亚的会议上发表演讲, Poland, 和塞尔维亚.
Gheis is a 区块链 expert and developer with experience in C++, C#, JavaScript, Go, and Node.js. 他擅长开发区块链服务, 跨平台软件, 人工智能和商业软件, 和DApps,同时提供一流的用户友好解决方案. 作为后台的领导者, 区块链, 以及10人以上的DevOps团队, Gheis has been involved in many high-tech projects solving complex systems and identifying opportunities for improvements.
Janko is a software engineer and architect specializing in 区块链 and focusing on decentralized finance and self-sovereign identity (SSI). 他在比特币领域有多年的经验, Ethereum, Quorum, Fabric, Tendermint, 宇宙区块链s, 以及Hyperledger Indy和Aries SSI解决方案. Janko最近应用了现代分布式系统, 密码学, 和区块链理论来解决ssi相关问题.
显示更多Giorgi Lagidze
Giorgi有超过7年使用Vue开发应用程序的经验.js和Angular作为前端,Laravel和Node.Js作为后端. 他还在Ionic/Cordova的帮助下开发移动应用. He communicates exceptionally well and loves to bring high quality to his clients. 除了核心开发技能, Giorgi在系统管理方面非常熟练, 在Docker方面有丰富的经验, Ansible, Laravel伪造, Azure, AWS, Solidity, 还有更多.
显示更多Kirill Kirikov
Kirill有超过十年的开发经验, 管理多达30人的团队, 并发布了100多个应用程序. 以太坊和比特币专家, fintech, 许可区块链, 企业区块链, 设计建筑, he's worked on open source projects sponsored by the Aragon foundation for improving the Ethereum ecosystem. 基里尔曾为克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和法拉利(Ferrari)等客户开发软件.
Serkan is a seasoned software engineer with 17 years of experience in consultancy and in-house development. 过去三年了, he's been helping clients develop and improve their products all around the world. Previously, Serkan worked as a consultant for different companies and projects. 作为一名软件顾问, 他领导了多达10名开发人员的开发团队,并从事金融科技工作, 员工关系, 学习管理, 和电子商务应用.
Daniel is a full-stack product-oriented engineer with four years of experience working in a range of software industries: 区块链, fintech, 法律和工程软件, 视频/音频处理, 和定制IT服务. 这要归功于快速学习和适应新技术和新领域, 丹尼尔在任何项目上都能一马当先. 作为朴素视频公司的联合创始人, Daniel understands the full software development lifecycle from idea validation to building a full-featured product.
显示更多Sivaram Subramaniyan Kannan
Sivaram has over 16 years of experience with software development over multiple domains and six years of cloud-native development with both public and private clouds. He has hands-on knowledge of building private cloud infrastructure using Kubernetes and other cloud technologies. He has helped migrate multiple clients from a monolithic architecture into microservices. His daily technologies are Kubernetes, 起程拓殖, Ansible, Go, Bash, and GitOps tools.
Alexander is a senior software developer with eight years of experience who has built tools, apps, 以及各种行业的系统, 包括医学, cryptocurrency, 交通管理. Recently, Alexander一直专注于后端优化数据查询, 处理迁移, 创建CI/CD管道. Alexander的专业领域包括Python, JavaScript, Solidity, 以及各种框架(Django和Flask)和库(React).